| 1. | Here is a law of the united states, not even pretended to be unconstitutional, repealed by the authority of a small majority of the voters of a single state . 现在,一个甚至连假托违宪都没有的联邦法律,却被仅一个州稍过半数的选民权力撤消了。 |
| 2. | And by the authority of emergency order 46 .以及紧急事件授权第46号命令 |
| 3. | The permit is issued by the authority of the minister of industry 这许可证是工业部长授权颁发的。 |
| 4. | This agreement is subject to ratification by the authorities of both parties 此协议需经双方负责人士批准。 |
| 5. | Manufacturing licence issued by the authority of the country where the products are produced 由生产国官方机构出具的允许生产厂家合法生产该产品的证明文件。 |
| 6. | I , fife symington , governor of the state of arizona in the name of and by the authority of said state , do award Fife symington以本州之名,并依本州之授权,在此郑重宣布 |
| 7. | Lianyungang neoera human resources development co . , ltd is a legal professional institution by the authority of the lianyungang municipal government , providing human resource service 连云港诺雅人力资源开发有限公司是获得连云港市政府部门许可,进行人力资源服务的专业性机构。 |
| 8. | The seal of the board of trustees shall not be affixed to any instrument except by the authority of a resolution of the members , and every instrument to which the seal is affixed shall be signed by the chairman , vice - chairman or hon 非经校董会通过授权,校董会钤印不得盖用于任何文件。经盖印后之每份文件须由主席、副主席或名誉司库签署,及由秘书或任何二位经校董会正式授权之校董签署。 |
| 9. | The said seal shall not be affixed to any deed , document , or other instrument except by the authority of a resolution of the trustees and in the presence of at least two trustees , both of whom shall sign every instrument to which the seal is so affixed 受托人可随时委派一人或多人保管受托人组织的印章,该印章的使用,必须由托管人议决授权,并须至少有两位托管人在场。上述两人须于每一份盖有该印章之文件上签署。 |